Install Apache, PHP and MySQL on Arch Linux

Arch Linux is an excellent operating system for developing web applications. If you are a developer or need to configure a project developed in PHP with Apache and MySQL, this article will guide you step by step to configure the necessary packages for this purpose.
The first step is to install the packages for the web server and the PHP language.
sudo pacman -S apache php php-apache
After this, you can configure the apache service to start every time the operating system starts with the following command.
systemctl enable httpd
If you want to start the service yourself on each occasion, you must start it as follows.
systemctl start httpd
Later, we can install the MySQL server with the following command.
sudo pacman -S mysql
After installation and before starting the service! you must run the following command.
sudo mariadb-install-db --user=mysql --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/lib/mysql
Like the apache service, you can make MySQL start with the operating system
systemctl enable mysqld
If you want to start the service yourself on each occasion, you must start it as follows:
systemctl start mysqld
Once this is done, the next step will be to secure the installation. This means making some configurations such as creating passwords that are verified (length, special characters, uppercase and lowercase), removing anonymous users, disabling remote logging and removing test databases. For this you can use the following command and follow the instructions.
sudo mysql_secure_installation
And that's it, you can log in now. Don't forget to check out our post Terminal Connection to MySQL to see the different options for connecting.
Once Apache, PHP, and MySQL are installed, it is convenient to make some configurations. To see a complete configuration of Apache from scratch, you can follow the following link.
Configure Apache from Scratch on Linux